1st & 2nd Sem Practicals are same. So choose subjects according to semester syllabus.
- Determine the errors in the different measurements using Slide Callipers and Screw Gauge
- Determination of end corrections of a Meter Bridge
- To study the time period of oscillation of a torsional pendulum for different loads and to find the torsional couple per unit twist of the suspension wire
- Determination of unknown wavelength of a monochromic light with the help of newton’s ring
- Determination of wavelength of light by Laser Diffraction method
- Frank-Hertz Experiment
- Determination of the specific rotation of a sugar solution by Polarimeter
- Determination of unknown resistance by Carey Foster method & estimate of proportional error in the measurement of unknown resistance
- Characteristics of Fluorescent Lamp
- Characteristics of RLC parallel circuit
- Characteristics of Tungsten Filament Lamp
- Open circuit and Short circuit test of Single Phase Transformer
- Speed control of DC Shunt Motor
- Study the RLC series circuit
- Verification of Norton’s Theorem
- Verification of Superposition Theorem
- Verification of Thevenin’s Theorem
- Familiarization with Electronic Components such as Resistors, Capacitors, Diodes, Transistors etc.
- Familiarization with Measuring equipments like Multi-meter, Bread-Board and CRO.
- To study V-I characteristics of Junction Diode
- To study V-I characteristics of Zener Diode
- Study on Half-wave and Full-wave Rectifier
- To study Field Effect Transistor characteristics
- To study the Input and Output characteristics curve for common Emitter and Common Base configuration
- Design of Logic Gates using Diode-Transistor logic
- Alkalinity of Water Sample
- Argentometric Method
- Complexometric Titration
- Conductometric Titration
- Determination of Dissolved Oxygen
- Heterogeneous Equilibrium
- PH Metric Titration
- Preparation of Silver Nanoparticles (Innovative Experiment)
- Red-Ox Titration
- Viscosity of Solution
Engineering Drawing
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