Microprocessors & Microcontrollers
- Write a assembly language program in assembly language programming in 8085 to add two hexadecimal numbers.
- Write a assembly language program to subtract the nos. stored at 8090 H and 8091 H.
- Write a assembly language program to multiply two numbers stored 8090 and 8091, store product at 8092 H. If carry is generated store at 8093 H.
- Write a assembly language program to separate all the bit of a given number and store in different memory address, starting at 80F1 and input value given at 80F0.
- Write a assembly language program using 8085 mnemonics to multiply two numbers stored at B001 & B002. Store the result at B003 [Booth’s Algorithm].
- Write a assembly language program using 8085 mnemonics to find the largest among ten numbers stored at beginning address 81F0 H.
- Write a program in 8085 in mnemonics to add two 24 bit numbers, inputs are available at 80F0, 80F1, 80F2 and 80F3, 80F4, 80F5.
- Write a program using 8085 mnemonics to sort a set of ten numbers stored at memory with beginning address 80FF in descending order.
- Write a program to convert a number from BCD to binary using 8085.
- Write a program to convert an I/P in ASCII value.
- Write a program to convert an ASCII I/P into alphanumeric value using 8085 mnemonics.
- Write a program to read an input for BCD number and convert into equivalent 7-segment display code.
- Read 10 bytes stored starting at memory address 8080H copy them to address begins at 80A0 H
- Write a program to add 4 bytes stored begins at memory location 8090H store the sum at 809A and carry at 809B
- Write a program to find out the number of 1’s which to read number from memory
- Write a program to convert a number from BCD t binary source address 80FE and result should be at 80FF