Every engineering aspirants in the corner of their mind desire to gain admission in the IITs. This very thought acts as a catalyst for them to enroll for JEE examination which is a single pathway for gaining admission to IITs, IIIT and NITs.
Every year over 13 lakh students apply for the examination with roughly a thousand or 10 making to their dream. So what is the one aspect that makes the difference? What is the one point that differentiates a winner who can crack the exam profoundly and the one who isn’t able to? Or to put it in simpler terms, what are the common mistakes which most aspirants make that costs them inability to crack the exam?
So, here we thought of studying and elucidating the top 7 common mistakes made by students which hinder their path to cracking the JEE:
1. Addiction to Social Media
Today’s tech-savvy world revolves around smartphones and social media with the majority of the population having their accounts in either of the fields. While social media thus prove to be a resourceful stop for networking and building contacts, it also often makes students hone the careless attitude. In this age of technology, one can’t stay away from social media without checking on how many likes and follows they have received for their Facebook and Instagram posts. It deviates their attention and more importantly, if you are a student aspiring to crack the tough JEE examination, it can turn the table topsy turvy.
Tip: If you wish to score well and ace ahead of the 13 lakh aspirants then limit your addiction to social media. You can keep the groups on mute or login Facebook, Instagram once a day for rejuvenation. But a whole year of dedicated practice and turn the ball in your court. Because as said, there is no use in crying over the split milk.
2. Lack of attention and improper use of study tools
To begin with, it is necessary to know, JEE is not similar to other school and college exams. It requires much-refined learning and proper use of resources. JEE revolves mostly around three main subjects which include physics, chemistry, and mathematics. And for an examination in the level of JEE cannot be solely relied on textbook knowledge.
This is where most of the students lag. They end up concentrating only on textbooks without utilizing other resources such as reference books, online test series, taking up mock tests and much more. No wonder textbooks are a great source of information, however, referring to other study tools can strengthen your preparation and thereby take you one step ahead to acing JEE with flying colors.
3. Leaving things for tomorrow
Procrastination is the biggest enemy of man. The act of delaying and leaving things for tomorrow can cost you your dream. This particular trait can very smoothly get you out of the race. More importantly, if you try to skip revising and learning now it will only delay you to crack your JEE. This will perpetually turn into a habit and you would want to procrastinate every time until it’s the day for the exam. Ultimately you will find yourself left with loads of syllabus left to be covered with hardly any time left to cover them all.
4. Overconfidence
Overconfidence in any field will be the cause for your downfall. Often it happens with students wherein they tend to grow overconfident about their past achievements or intelligence, thus taking a dig on oneself. It is essential to know that irrespective of whether you are doing good in any field or have gained a good score in any particular test, they tend to take entrance examination as a cakewalk. However, for entrance examination overconfidence can prove to be quite heinous and can burn away your entire future. Examinations like JEE demands a calmer mind, control and confidence on oneself rather than overconfidence only then you can pass the examination with success.
5. Peer Pressure
No two people are the same. Thus, their intelligence and capacity will also differ from one another. Hence following someone else’s way of learning is not necessarily going to work for you. For an exam like JEE, you need to come in terms with your strength and weakness to strategize accordingly. Additionally, suppose your friend is good in a Mathematics or Physics, instead of envying them rather try to learn from them and adopt certain traits in your routine.
6. Low self-esteem
Overconfidence and under-confidence are two sides of the same coin. While the former blind you in seeing any wrong in you, the latter destroys you mentally. It is necessary to know that we all are different from one another. And it is completely fine to not do good in a particular test or subject. A single test score cannot decide your future ahead. Failure is stepping stone to success and instead of looking at it as a block you can move ahead taking the lessons that will take you closer to your bright future.
7. Improper Temperament for exam
Now even though you are performing well in all the above points, there remains a chance that you may end up wobbling your paper. If you lack exposure to exam-like conditions.
Remember, the path to success is filled with a lot of trenches and troughs. Simply studying for an examination does not assure you will be content. Instead, it is important to also keep in tab your side by side preparation. The temperament of a student plays an integral role in deciding their future. If you lack the credibility and the zeal to perform well then no amount of reading, preparation or revision.
Ultimately to make a dream come true, you must put all your zest into making it happen and snatching it out from your eyes. JEE examination is a crucial exam for gaining entry to IITs. You need to put in your 100% to come out in flying colors. So, if you find any of the 7 characteristics in you, it is all better to change it to good, get rid and transform your path to success, cracking your dream of qualifying JEE.
There is no one-stop formula for passing any entrance examination, however, proper reference tools, books and preparation technique can make a lot of difference in the output. Finding good books can be crucial but not impossible. Books that contain a precise explanation, model questions and brings about conceptual clarity such as the JEE Books provided by Target Publications makes it easy to gain a breakthrough in preparation. Opportunities may not favor you always, but your sheer hard work can make it turn its attention towards you.
So follow this simple formula of success = Goal Setting + Determination + Best Study Tools – No Procrastination + Extensive Revision guarantees your way to JEE.