Entrepreneurship doesn’t mean only to setup a business to make money, it is all about innovation and creativity to solve existing problems and India need such innovators and entrepreneurs who can make our nation a better place to live for our peoples.

But, yes being an entrepreneur in India is not an easy task, as to sell your products or to motivate peoples to use your product for their own profit and welfare is a lot more difficult than feeding a Lion and it’s because of ignorance and affordability of our people to use high tech stuff.

So our entrepreneurs need to find the solution which is affordable to our poor peoples. Remember, “A solution can’t be a solution till it is not affordable to every citizen“.

There are few Industries in India, which are underdeveloped and they really need entrepreneurs who can approach these sectors with the aim of solving their problems to enhance their efficiency and productivity.

  1. Agriculture IndustryIndian Agriculture system is one of the most underdeveloped industries in the world.

Yeah… an agriculture based nation has the worst agriculture system and it is fact from the suicide record of Indian farmers in last few decades.

Major factors affecting agriculture in India can be:

  • High Illiteracy rates in rural areas.
  • Lack of awareness of scientific ways of farming.
  • Lack of awareness about government schemes.
  • Lack of innovations in agriculture.
  • Expensive Pesticides and technology.

Indian agriculture sector and farmers are in real need of the entrepreneurs who can make this country, a better place to live for them by ensuring those better and affordable technologies to enhance their productivity.

So entrepreneurs just go for the agriculture sector and light up the life of our farmers with your innovation and skills.

Farmers are the reason we survive, now it’s our job to ensure that they survive too happily

Education IndustryA nation can develop effectively and efficiently only if the healthy education reaches to each and every citizen of the nation without any religious and political interference. But sadly it’s a matter which can be resolved by our policy makers, there is no role for us to play in this till the government wishes for our participation.

But yes, individually as an entrepreneur we can provide proper education to the rural children with the help of technology, innovations and marketing skills.

As an entrepreneur, we can make changes in our nation by educating those who are still not aware of technologies and innovations going on throughout the world.

No one ever became poor by giving

  1. Health care IndustryIn India, health care industry is developing a lot, but still we can’t get basic medical care at an affordable price, this is all because of expensive medicines/drugs, expensive medical check-ups, Lack of specialists, expensive doctors/surgeons.

But as an entrepreneur, we can develop a way to provide proper medical treatments in affordable price and it is possible only if:

  • We can develop/invent technologies which cut the cost of medical checkups to effective range.
  • We can create a program in which existing hospitals and doctors can afford to cut their price to an extent for poor peoples.
  • We can use IT with various possibilities in healthcare like developing applications for hospitals for managing the records of patients efficiently, cheap technology for medical checkup etc.

So why don’t we step into the world of Indian health care Industry, and develop the possibilities to ensure proper medical care to our peoples at an affordable price?

Health of our people is more important than wealth of ours

So let’s participate in creating a better tomorrow for our country people by solving their issues.

A guest post by Rahul.

Rahul is an engineer by education and Digital Marketer by Passion.
You can find his tips and opinions on different aspects of Digital Marketing at rahulogy.com