According to a famous Persian artist,
“When fishermen cannot go to sea, they repair their nets.”
As we all know COVID – 19 has taken the world by storm and nobody knows exactly when this global catastrophe will come to an end. Meanwhile, we have come up with free resources for you to help you learn during the lockdown. One silver-lining on this lockdown is that you can learn a new skill set and upgrade your concept on particular topics.
Coursera offers free certificates for 85 Courses. The course and certificate itself are free
Udacity nano degrees are now free for a month due to COVID-19
Harvard University listed 67 online courses for free
Cambridge text books (Including Computer Science) available for free until the end of May
Scribd Free 30 Days Subscription [No Credit Card Required]
The Internet Archive has opened a National Emergency Library with over 1.4 million free ebooks available to download
Nikon is offering free streaming photography classes for all of April
Get 3 months of Web Hosting for $0.99! Staying at home could be challenging. Get the most out of it – launch your online project now!
We hope these resources help you in learning new skillset or might be something else that would help you in the long run. Let us know how you are spending your lockdown days. Stay home and stay safe!