Let’s us get it straight. There are two kinds of people in the startup world: the doers and the dreamers. Better be a doer than a dreamer. Here’s why:
1. Dreamers want to talk about ideas. Doers don’t. Doer performs and the world talks. They are the one that makes a difference in the world even they begin with a handful of people only. Their passion to help others is contagious and it grows with time.
2. Dreamers think an idea will get them funded. Doers know that funding only follows the proof of viability. A doer never thinks much when they are starting out. They believe in just-do-it attitude. If you really want something to happen, you will find several ways to do it. Try starving yourself someday.
And to be honest, there are several free tools available on the internet that get your much of the job done with zero cost. Besides that, making some extra money in this era is no big deal. You can always earn some extra money to support your startup with little or no investments. Learn to sacrifice.
3. Dreamers are always afraid someone is going to steal their idea. Doers don’t care because they know unexecuted ideas are worthless, and an executed idea that’s imitated = market validation. Remember, a person can steal your What and even How but they can never know your Why that compelled you to start because that’s purely within you, it can never be stolen.
4. Lastly sad but true that your idea doesn’t matter. Only your ability to execute matters. Stop talking about ideas and start doing something. Unless you start something you can never find the loopholes in your idea and improvise it. According to most of the greatest entrepreneur out there, it’s the loopholes that give the proper shape and direction to your idea only after making changes in it.
5. Dreamers want to hear other people’s ideas and waste time. Doers ignore other people’s ideas and execute. When you are pretty much sure about your shit, you ain’t giving any damn to what others think of you. Even if you listen, don’t take it too personally. The result will always show them in the end. Right now, the best thing you can do is take a leap of faith and get down to work. You know well what you gotta do next 😉
Also read: India Need Entrepreneurs
But how do I stop being a dreamer and start being a doer?
“Start now. Start where you are. Start with fear. Start with pain. Start with doubt. Start with shaky hands. Start with trembling voice but start. Start and don’t stop. Start where you are, with what you have. Just… Start.”
Do not postpone things. Stop procastinating.
There is no perfect moment to start. If you want to start doing something, Act Now. Do not wait for the better moment. It will never come again.
We sometimes resist dreaming big dreams because they seem impractical, or taking action because doing so is intimidating.
In reality, however, any dreamer can embrace thinking big and put ‘someday’ on the calendar. Being a ‘doer of dreams’ is not a gift, but a skill – one that anybody can develop. As the greatest one says:
It’s Never Too Late to Start Living the Life You Want.
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